How Can You Learn A Second Language?

4 min readJun 10, 2020

There are many ways and processes to learn a second language. However, these methods are highly dependent on how an individual learns new things. In order to learn a new language efficiently, it is important to know about some factors that contribute to learning another language.

I have been learning English as a second language for almost three years in the US. Some of the methods and factors that I have learned in this subject match my actual experiences which I will discuss later. As a result, I can verify the effectiveness of these methods, factors and their results if implemented correctly.

Five stage of language acquisition

In the learning process, it is important to know at what level you are when beginning to learn a new language. This awareness helps you understand what level of materials you should use and what kind of learning methods you should focus on.

In the article, “Five Stages of Second Language Acquisition”, the author explains that there are five stages contributing to the development of a second language. They are called, “Silent / receptive”, “Early production”, “Speech emergence”, “Intermediate fluency”, “Continued language development / Advanced fluency”. The learners start at the level of no knowledge to full mastery of the second language in all its complications and nuances…




I’m originally from Japan, a college student, and currently living in San Diego.