Male Masculinity in the Music Video

6 min readAug 13, 2020

Nowadays men and women are depicted very differently on all media platforms. Where women tend to be sexually objectified for the sake of entertainment, this is especially prevalent in the hip hop genre. Men masculinity often take the dominant role and are symbols of wealth and power being able to acquire luxurious items and even other humans in some instances. The number of women in music videos tend to be ten times that of the men, but are often used to increase the males image. Furthermore, women in these videos are often objectified and only shown in small bikinis or other provocative clothing and using their bodies to attract attention by dancing throughout the entire duration of the video. Using women as a mere tool to attract and serve as only entertainment is inappropriate and a disrespectful way to treat women in any industry.

The idea that male masculinity in music videos have a tendency of promoting men dominance over women and encouraging an attitude of callous disdain without even including violent contents. Additionally, in the study done by Lindsay Roberts called, “TOXIC MASCULINITY ON TELEVISION “, explains that masculinity is based on two ideas which are a hierarchy of internal dominance and the domination of women. I have witnessed this phenomenon in many music videos where there are usually many young half-naked women gather around one man, dancing for only him…




I’m originally from Japan, a college student, and currently living in San Diego.